The Hidden Cost Of Factory Fitted Sat Navs
Tuesday, 13. July 2010
We’ve all become addicted to sat navs and of course whilst the hand held units are far more practical, you can actually reach your destination, even on foot or in a bus, as long as the driver is prepared to follow your instructions from the 3rd row of the bus, it’s a snob thing to have a built in, factory fitted unit costing ten times as much. But if you decide to buy a used car and you’re impressed with the factory fitted unit you may be in for a bit of a shock. Your system needs to be updated to keep the maps up to date and in the case of BMW this is twice a year at a staggering cost of £170 a pop, £340 per annum to keep your sat nav system updated. Amazing when I understand that the sat nav after market units (includes hand helds), most of whom all use very similar Navteq mapping, such as Garmin, are updated free of charge. Something else to consider when buying a used car. What do you think? Another rip off on the part of the manufacturers? By Graham Hill