Could This Be Another Example Of Health & Safety Gone Crazy?
Tuesday, 21. September 2010
I’m all for making roads safer, especially when we are talking about making roads safer for children but sometimes I thing we go a little too far when it comes to health and safety when actions seem to be taken for the sake of taking them. Some of my favourite country fetes have been stopped from taking place because, thanks to health and safety, the insurance costs would be more than they raised for their local charity. And all because someone was worried that a ball thrown at a coconut shy, might bounce of the coconut and hit someone in the eye and blind them. Not that it’s ever happened in over the last 200 years of running the fete but health and safety have decided that they know best. The same seems to be the case with the safety of children outside their schools where charity, Living Streets, is saying that there should be a car parking exclusion zone for the safety of children outside all schools. But where is the hard proof that children have suffered injury or otherwise in danger from parents dropping their kids off. Trying to drive past a school where parents are dropping off children can be a pain in the ass but are the do-gooders recommending something for the sake of making a stand over a problem that simply doesn’t exist. Or maybe you disagree? Let me know? By Graham Hill