Saturday, 29. October 2011
Lots of lenders and brokers are starting to quote lease rentals based on 6 rentals in advance in order to make the monthly rentals appear low. It also helps with underwriting as the higher the initial rental, the lower the risk. However, I still try to stick with 3 rentals in advance which may make the monthly cost look high but it makes the initial rental Read more �
Friday, 29. July 2011
20mph speed limits could be coming to a road near you as the government announces new rules that make it easier for councils to impose them, even though a survey carried out by the RAC revealed that 13 million of the 34 million drivers ignored 20mph speed limits. Currently the councils are obliged to use speed humps and signposts to control Read more �
Tuesday, 22. March 2011
Just want to give you the heads up on the Graham Hill gadget of the week. When I say heads up I mean that literally. It’s an aftermarket speed display that is projected up on the windscreen so no need to look down at the speedo whilst driving. A mount is held in place by tape and the unit slides onto the mount. The projector is hinged so you can adjust Read more �
Friday, 15. October 2010
The Department for Transport has revealed the top ten reasons why people crash. The top reason was failure to look, accounting for more than a third of all smashes. Failing to look properly was the reason for 38% of crashes but this differed in regions with this reason being cited in London for 57% of smashes but in the Midlands this dropped to 32%. Failing to judge other motorists speed was next followed by careless Read more �
Sunday, 10. October 2010
Whilst all fatalities on UK roads dropped last year the figures are still too high. 2,222 people died on the roads of Britain last year, down 12% on 2008. Car occupant deaths fell 16%, pedestrians 13%, cyclists 10% and motorcyclists 4%. Whilst speed awareness courses are often not taken seriously by drivers who have been caught speeding and prefer to attend a course rather than suffer a conviction, the courses have been known to improve drivers’ attitudes towards speeding. This is particularly Read more �
Tuesday, 10. August 2010
You can forget going green with your next car in order to save fuel and kick out fewer CO2’s according to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM – is it me or does that sound like a cat food?). They suggest that drivers and businesses could save much more by simply using better, more efficient driving techniques, such as advanced anticipation, intelligent route planning and speed control which if used together could Read more �
Monday, 9. August 2010
The number of employees using their own cars for business use, known as the grey fleet, has dropped from 42% a year ago to just 28% now. The findings were the result of a survey carried out by Enterprise Rent-A-Car amongst 400 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). No reason was given for this dramatic fall, clearly the increase in unemployment had something to do with it, along with the health and safety Read more �
Thursday, 29. July 2010
We all understand that we need to replace vehicles driven by fossil fuels with alternatives as we are running out, that’s a fact. The answer certainly seems to be electric vehicles as we can create electricity from natural renewable sources such as wind, light and sea movement so we can see the benefits of developing this technology. Something that was understood by the government when it was labour led who Read more �
Tuesday, 13. July 2010
Just off on holiday abroad? Well if you are thinking of hiring a car you should arrange it before you leave according to Holiday Autos. They are reporting an increase of around £100 per week in some resorts as the rental companies attempt to offset the effects of the recession onto holidaying Brits. For example a 7 day hire in say Palma costs an average of £247 compared to £142 12 months ago and £93 in Read more �
Sunday, 6. June 2010
Bonkers Boris is charging ahead with plans to build 25,000 recharging points for electric cars. This will attract 100,000 battery vehicles into the city. Now correct me if I’m wrong but I understood that there was a ‘Congestion’ charge, aimed at keeping cars out of London. It isn’t a ‘Stop London from getting smelly’ charge or a ‘Let’s reduce the emissions’ charge, it’s aim was to try to get everyone onto public transport Read more �