Graham Hill’s Gadget Of The Week – Low Cost Custom Carpets

Tuesday, 27. May 2014

Whilst customers make lease decisions based on headline rates and will argue over 50pence per month there is increased pressure on dealers to save money in order to provide reduced on the road costs. One of life’s irritations for me and some customers is the removal of carpet mats from the standard spec of some executive cars in order to reduce costs.

Thinking of a change but unsure as to the best way to finance your car? Then you need a copy of my car finance book, Car Finance – A Simple Guide by Graham Hill. Click on the link below to buy the best car finance book on the market, available as a Kindle Book and Paper Back.

The problem then is – do you go to the main dealer and pay up to £180 for a set of mats or nip down to Halfords for a set of one size fits all mats at less than a quarter of the price but with the Halfords mats not fitting as well as the manufacturer’s tailored mats? The answer is neither. A company called Richbrook have brought out a range of tailored mats to fit more than 17,000 models of car.

Buyers can select from a range of colours, patterns, piping and textures to match their car. The range also includes 3mm thick rubber mats. All mats come in a set of 4 and are finished with a backing of abrasive rubber to prevent movement. Model specific fixing points can be added if required. The cost just £39.99. You can see them online at Definitely my product of the week. By Graham Hill

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Chinese Influence Makes European Cars Glow

Thursday, 15. May 2014

We have seen, over the last few years, some changes to car lighting. Halogen and Bi-Xenon lights have been lighting up our roads brighter than ever and we are now seeing some very strange driving lights/headlights and tail lights thanks to strings of very powerful LED’s. But according to experts ‘We ain’t seen nothing yet’.

Thinking of a change but unsure as to the best way to finance your car? Then you need a copy of my car finance book, Car Finance – A Simple Guide by Graham Hill. Click on the link below to buy the best car finance book on the market, available as a Kindle Book and Paper Back.

We are likely to see some major influence from China as car designers develop cars with the Chinese market in mind. If you look around any big Chinese city you will see buildings that appear to glow. This same technology will be used to give cars a glow with a very defined outline making the car easier to see at night.

VW/Audi are already looking into this technology for the outside as well as looking at new ways of lighting the interior with different types of ambient lighting. According to VW’s design director in China, Simon Loasby, we will see many more Chinese influenced design changes being introduced into cars for the European market.

One such design development will be the windscreen air filter, seen to be essential in China due to the high levels of pollution. No I haven’t got a clue as to how it would work either! What next? Built in Wok and free Geisha girl? Hmm, don’t get me started. By Graham Hill

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Car Vandalism At Epidemic Levels Explains Graham Hill

Saturday, 8. February 2014

Last year Direct Line carried out a survey into car vandalism and found it to be at epidemic levels. They found that most people (64%) that had their car vandalised knew the person who vandalised their car. They questioned offenders as well as victims and found an ex boyfriend or girlfriend to be the top target.

Thinking of a change but unsure as to the best way to finance your car? Then you need a copy of my car finance book, Car Finance – A Simple Guide by Graham Hill. Click on the link below to buy the best car finance book on the market, available as a Kindle Book and Paper Back.

This was followed by a current or ex boss and even the ex’s new partner! Next door neighbours or people living in the same road were also offenders. So much for the assumption that all vandalism was caused by testosterone charged young males high on Special Brew and crack cocaine! So what was the type of damage caused I hear you ask?

In top place is keyed or scratched paint, followed by damage to door mirrors then smashed windows. In fourth place is radio aerials snapped off then snapped windscreen wipers. Tyre slashing is in 6th place, stolen badge next and in 8th place smashed lights, in 9th dents from Car Surfing (whatever that is) with graffiti or paint on car at 10th. So there you have it, if you are going to fall out with any of the above make sure you lock your car away! By Graham Hill

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How Do You Value A Used Car?

Thursday, 9. June 2011

What’s my car worth? I’m often asked this question by drivers who have the option to buy the car that they have been driving for the last 2 or 3 years from the leasing company. I have to say there is no definitive answer, to think that you can simply open a book, check the model and year, adjust the value for a higher or lower mileage than average mileage Read more �

Graham Hill Calls For Number Plates To Be Removed From Adverts

Saturday, 21. May 2011

Following on from my campaign to remove number plates from used car adverts online, something considered unnecessary by so called experts, the police reported that £500,000 of fuel was stolen from forecourts in the London area last year by cars fitted with false number plates. Maybe time for a re-think! Have you had your car number plate cloned and received a call from the old bill or a fine that isn’t yours? Let us know? By Graham Hill

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Graham Hill Announces The Launch Of Tesco Cars

Sunday, 3. April 2011

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 20:  A Tesco flag flie...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Well, I guess the big news of the week, and one I was waiting to break before sending out my deal of the week and updated blog, is the launch of Tesco Cars I have been working as a consultant with Carsite, whose site has been updated to accommodate the new name and Tesco loans. The same procedure is being adopted by the new website as happened under the old scheme with car photos, HPI and inspection reports. The difference now is the addition of 2,000 clubcard points with every car Read more �

Can You Repair Run Flat Tyres?

Wednesday, 9. March 2011

Sicherheitsreifen, security tire, runflat system

Image via Wikipedia

Years ago when run flat tyres were introduced they seemed like a great idea but drivers were then told that they couldn’t mix up run flats with conventional tyres and you couldn’t get a puncture repaired. Once the tyre had been punctures, whilst the run flat would get you home the bad news was that you then needed to replace the tyre. However, I have found out that this isn’t necessarily the case. It was highlighted recently when a lady driver managed to get a nail in her run flat tyre fitted to a Read more �

Police Warn Of New Crime Known As ‘Frosting’

Friday, 31. December 2010

During the recent cold spell a new type of crime has emerged causing the police to issue a warning. They are advising motorists not to leave their cars unattended whilst they wait for the screens to defrost, following a spate of incidents whereby cars have been stolen whilst left unattended with the engines running. The latest case was a Vauxhall Corsa stolen from a drive in Merthyr Tydfil when the owner left the engine running whilst he went back into his house. In another incident in Thurrock, Essex a man was de-icing his Peugeot when a thief got in and drove it away. The thief crashed the car causing £500 of damage, then ran off. The police have warned that motorists that warm their cars up this way are making it easy for thieves. Known as ‘frosting’ this type of theft will also leave drivers potentially without insurance cover as insurance companies may argue that the driver was not taking reasonable care. Heated windscreens will help to cut the number of frosting incidents but for those who want to clear the frost the best way is with some de-icer rather than leaving the engine running. Do you leave your engine running whilst clearing the ice off the windscreen? By Graham Hill

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Graham Hill Slams BBC Over Misleading Programme

Saturday, 27. November 2010

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 02:  A BBC logo adorns...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

There was a programme on the BBC on Thursday 25th November called Rip-off Britain. In the first part a couple bought a used car that broke down within a few miles of driving it off the forecourt. This is clearly wrong and the buyer was entitled to his money back but it seemed that lack of assistance from Trading Standards meant that the buyer accepted what the dealer said and sold the car on at a loss. It’s a disgrace. The RMIF representative stated that there are 9 million used cars changing hands Read more �

Drivers Pay Too Much For Tyres That Are Over Rated

Sunday, 31. October 2010

We’re getting to that time of year when I’m sure I’ll have plenty of reports relating to tyres but before we get into the summer/winter tyre debates a question has come up regarding speed ratings on tyres. When a car is new tyres are often fitted by the manufacturer that have a speed rating much higher than the car is capable of travelling. For example a car may be fitted with V rated tyres, safe to a speed of 149 miles per hour. The question is should the same tyres be fitted when they are due Read more �