Will The Speed Limit On Motorways Increase To 80mph?

Saturday, 29. October 2011

I just love the way that the press looks at a fact and pretty much turns it into fiction in an effort to make a headline. Lets take all the talk recently about raising the speed limit to 80mph from 70mph. Whilst 79% of company car drivers are in favour of the increase we hear all the arguments from the do-gooders that spout on about increase in accidents, Read more �

Speed Cameras, Good Or Bad?

Monday, 29. August 2011

The Department for Transport has started to issue statistics on their website relating to individual speed cameras with a mixed response. The overall pictures suggests that road accidents and speed at camera locations is no less than the national average which has dropped over the last 10 years. Mike Penning, Road Safety Minister said that the statistics Read more �

Government To Introduce Lane Rentals

Tuesday, 23. August 2011

The logo of the Department for Transport

Image via Wikipedia

This isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned this as I’m usually at the cutting edge of news! As you know! The Government is about to introduce lane rentals, a charge to be made on utility companies and local authorities when they disrupt Read more �

New On The Spot Fines To Be Introduced

Friday, 3. June 2011

Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP - Secretary of State ...

Image by Amplified2010 via Flickr

Police are to be given the power to issue on the spot fines for dangerous and reckless driving under plans revealed by Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond. This isn’t quite what it seems as it creates visions of the old bill stopping you for doing something silly, issuing you with a ticket and be expecting you to part with readies. The idea, expressed by Read more �

New Rules To Catch Drug Drivers & Changes To Drink Drive Rules

Friday, 22. April 2011

Various prescription and street drugs may caus...

Image via Wikipedia

Whilst I’ve reported on drug driving on several occasions it now seems that the Government is about to start taking more positive action against offenders. Transport minister Philip Hammond has given the green light to proposals to tackle the problem. One proposal is to introduce a new criminal offence that will be specific to drug driving. This will Read more �

Speed Limits To Be Reviewed

Tuesday, 22. March 2011

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 08:  Conservative MP...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

If you were a visitor to this country driving on our motorways you could be excused for believing that the limit was 80 miles per hour and not, as I believe it is, 70 miles per hour. It seems that Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond supports the idea of lifting the speed limit as our limit is one of the slowest in Europe. However the anti car brigade are Read more �

Non Wearing Of Seatbelts Set To Attract Points

Saturday, 30. October 2010

I have always been mystified why the non wearing of seatbelts doesn’t attract points on the driver’s licence. You will receive a fixed penalty fine of £60 but no points for what is considered to be a serious road traffic offense. The Scottish Parliament thinks likewise and has now written to Transport Secretary Philip Hammond, pushing for a change in the law claiming that 19 road deaths could have been prevented in Scotland during 2009 if belts were worn. Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, Read more �

New Attitude By New Government Removes Motorists’ Irritation

Monday, 25. October 2010

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 08:  Conservative MP...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

If you ever drive into London along the M4 past Heathrow you will know only too well the frustration of sitting in a queue of traffic whilst the red bus lane is empty waiting for the odd taxi or bus to come zooming by. Of course if you dare to put a wheel into the bus lane a million cameras will provide the evidence necessary for you to receive a hefty fine. If this causes you frustration I have some good news for you Read more �

Where Are People Most Dependent on Their Cars

Wednesday, 6. October 2010

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 08:  Conservative MP...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond revealed in a speech that 84% of all journeys made in the UK were made by car. This means that there is little prospect that we will move away from cars and onto public transport in the near future. However, the Campaign for Better Transport has carried out a survey, in which they found that certain towns and cities were more dependent on cars than others. The worst offenders and those most car-dependent were: Read more �

Could This Be The End Of Toll Roads?

Monday, 20. September 2010

M6 Main Toll Booths. the Main Tool Booths on t...
Image via Wikipedia

The last Labour Government made a big thing about toll roads, this was going to be the way forward if we were to make the roads less congested but according to research by the Campaign for Better Transport the showpiece M6 toll road has failed to meet its targets. The report claims that the operator, Midlands Expressway is losing millions of pounds every year. The cost of £5 drops to £4.50 at weekends and Read more �