Can A New Car Be Cheaper Than Used? There’s An App For That.

Friday, 6. April 2012

Car Dealer, Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill

Car Dealer, Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When trying to make up your mind between taking a new car on a lease or a used car on standard HP/PCP it becomes quite a complex calculation because in many ways you are dealing with the unknown, certainly when taking a used car.Even on the most basic car if an engine management system fails you can be set back around £1,200, or if an ABS pump Read more �

Graham Hill, Car Finance Expert, Exposes Rows Amongst Tyre Makers Over Tread Depth

Wednesday, 7. April 2010

Rows are a brewing when it comes to tyres amongst the manufacturers. All is harmony when it comes to trying to improve fuel efficiency, noise and safety but the rows are growing over minimum tread depth. Continental is fighting to increase the minimum from the current 1.6mm to 3mm, which it claims would result in a marked reduction in traffic accidents. But the claims are being challenged by Michelin and Read more �