New Technology To Replace Switches

Monday, 9. April 2012

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

Researchers at the Polytechnic School in Montreal, Canada have developed a soft polymer based fibre that can be woven into fabrics to be virtually undetectable. So what I hear you ask in amazement? This means that it will be possible for say a car seat to become a touch pad. Touching the seat will enable you to move the seat or open and shut Read more �

Are Gadgets On Cars A Waste Of Money?

Thursday, 25. August 2011

Are gadgets a waste of time and money? If recent reports are anything to go by it’s a resounding yes. Some recent additions such as brake assist and Electronic Stability Control (ESC) are there as vital safety aids but few drivers know Read more �

New Electric Cars To Come Loaded With Apps

Thursday, 5. May 2011

Nissan Leaf at Tokyo Motor Show (RHD).

Image via Wikipedia

Whilst the debate continues as to whether the future for the car is electric or hydrogen Toyota have announced that their new family sized electric car to challenge the Nissan Leaf will make full use of many of the apps that are available via Microsoft as a result of a joint venture. The idea is to make the new cars ‘information terminals’ with new apps that Read more �

Graham Hill’s Gadget Of The Week

Saturday, 31. July 2010

My gadget of the week is a 5 second jump start that is capable of charging up a flat battery in 5 – 8 seconds, enough to get the car started. If it doesn’t the manufacturer, Powertraveller, claims that a further 10 – 15 minute charge should do the trick. In 2009 there were a total of 1,084,150 callouts to emergency services to revive flat batteries, that’s two a minute! This handy new product can be stored in the glovebox Read more �