What Do France and Summer Barbecues Have In Common?

Thursday, 23. June 2016

If you are thinking of driving around Europe this summer, especially if you are driving through France, you will need to carry a breathalyser, especially as not only in the UK, but also in Europe, they have woken up to the benefits of breathalysing motorists in the morning rather than at night.

It is far more difficult to assess whether you are over the limit in the morning, after a skin full the night before, than at night when you have just had a couple of drinks. And with barbeques coming into season in the UK, which I’m told leads to more morning after convictions than over the Christmas period, you need to take precautions to safeguard your licence.

If you agree you may think it is wise to invest in a fairly expensive but accurate breathalyser being sold by Alcosense called the Ultra. It costs a whopping £249.99 but is considered to be one of the most accurate consumer devices. It can be set to the regulations of the country you are in at the time, including France and the US, both of which calculate readings differently.

Once your breath has been detected and analysed by the software algorithm the device will give a reading. It tells you what percentage of alcohol has been detected in your breath then also flashes green, amber or red that indicates whether you are over the limit, under it or completely in the clear.

It also indicates how long it will be before you are fully sober again. So if you are the sort of person who drinks into the wee hours then wonders in the morning if you are safe to drive this could be a valuable investment. By Graham Hill

Revealed – How Private Is Your Personal Data In ‘Connected’ Cars?

Thursday, 26. May 2016

As I continue to wrestle with my decision as to whether we should stay in or exit the EU, I read something that kinda proves that the EU isn’t all bad. It’s been a worry of mine for some time as to what happens to all the data being collected as cars become what is being called ‘connected’.

It started with a warning that I issued a couple of years ago about your phone book that you upload into the phone memory in your car then forget to delete the numbers before you hand it back at the end of the lease or sell the car on to a dealer or private individual.

I reported a case whereby a premier league footballer’s wife part exchanged her car which contained the phone numbers of A listers which the car dealer then tried to sell on as he considered that he was now owner of the data as he now owned the car. He lost the case but we are now entering the murky world of what I referred to recently as Big Data.

You record your destinations via sat nav and with full connectivity to the Internet in many cars, expected to be in 90% of all new cars by 2020, what happens to your search history and data that is being recorded via your in car Internet connection? Not to mention facts and figures on the way you drive.

It is with regard to personal privacy that the EU has stepped in and tightened up on the controls governing personal data collected via the ‘Connected’ features of your car. Within the new rules laid down by the EU they state, ‘There will be a much higher standard for consent, the definition of what constitutes personal data will change and there will be tougher sanctions for anybody falling foul of the rules.’

The EU has given businesses 2 years to tidy up their act and comply with the new, stricter regime, which has been designed to deal specifically with issues arising from connected products and services, including amongst others, vehicles. Frans Timmermans, first vice-president of the European Commission said, ‘Individuals must be empowered; they must know what their rights are and know how to defend their rights if they feel they are not being respected.’

Whilst the rules apply to personal data various experts have suggested that the rules will extend to virtually all data as the definition of personal data is changing. According to legal expert Stephen Appt, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) makes it clear that information is considered to be personal data whenever individuals can be identified by online identifiers, including GPS information. Appt, a partner at Pinsent Masons, added, ‘Data that identifies drivers indirectly would be considered personal data.’

So in essence I agree with these moves as individuals need to be protected but it raises two questions in my mind. Firstly would our own Government have tackled this problem and if they did would they impose stronger or weaker rules than the EU? But taking this one step further if we voted out and took back control over our regulations and took a weaker approach would we still be able to sell into Europe?

I would suggest that unless we met their privacy regulations we wouldn’t be able to. So we will have to comply whether we are in or out or we couldn’t sell into our largest market, Europe. It seems to me that we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Take another example. If we decided that say the safety standards set down by the EU on fridges was too low and decided to improve the safety adding a £20 cost per fridge would our own manufacturers thank the Government?

We would no longer be competitive in Europe because of the added cost and it makes no difference anyway as the safety rules laid down by the EU represent a minimum, there is nothing to stop the UK, if we remain in, improving on the minimum safety standard if we felt it was necessary.

Of course we could drop the safety standard of fridges made in the UK if we were out but we wouldn’t sell any into Europe because they no longer complied and I would suggest that we would struggle to sell them elsewhere in the world as European manufacturers would declare UK product as inferior. Confused – yes I certainly am! But congratulations to the EU for tackling this growing privacy problem. By Graham Hill

Emissions Testing To Be Tightened Even Further By EU

Thursday, 25. February 2016

The EU Commission had already made it clear that emission testing would be tightened up from 2017 but they have now announced that they will be going several steps further. As a result of growing mistrust of the emissions testing procedures which were to reflect real life motoring conditions by 2017 the Commission has announced a number of additional rules.

First of all, instead of randomly selecting cars off production lines to test they will in future be selected from cars that are already on sale as well as cars from production lines. Recalls will be issued if cars are found to emit different levels of regulated emissions than those suggested by the manufacturer. Financial ties between European test centres and the manufacturers will be cut (I didn’t know there were any), thus making the system fairer.

It seemed that testing could be carried out in any country within the EU in the past for it to be accepted across the EU. So manufacturers were having cars tested at centres where they knew controls were more lax. This is being address with greater controls being imposed upon the test centres.

The Commission is also applying for additional powers to suspend, restrict or withdraw the number of services that a test centre can offer if it is performing at a less than acceptable level. The Commission is also pushing for access to new car ‘software protocols’ and the ability to restrict the use of such devices as the ‘defeat device’ used by VW. I’d have thought these sorts of devices should be banned rather than just restricted!

Whilst it seemed to be a move in the right direction there were some observers who believed the new rules still ‘lacked teeth’. In a damning statement Greg Archer, green vehicles director at campaign group Transport & Environment said, ‘Without the threat of future EU sanctions, it will be  mission impossible to break the strong bond between national regulators and their car makers that has protected the industry but at the cost of higher emissions.’

And I thought I was outspoken! The EU Parliament is now considering the proposals ahead of a debate and vote. If approved the new rules will come into force immediately = as if that could happen! Ridiculous! By Graham Hill

Graham Hill’s Euro 6 Masterclass

Monday, 15. February 2016

This week, following the VW emissions debacle, I’m going to give you a master class in understanding the new Euro 6 legislation and the effect on both petrol and diesel engines along with some relevant information that I hope you will find of use.
It’s not as boring as you might think because there has been a major change to the driver maintenance of diesel cars that you might like to consider before choosing diesel for your next car. I won’t go through the whole of the European Emission standards since they were introduced in July 1992 but I’ll touch on a couple of relevant points before bringing you bang up to date and reveal a couple of things you may not know about.
When Euro 1 was introduced it was really set up to provide drivers with information about the emissions from their new cars. Whilst limits were set for just a few of the exhaust emissions, CO2, Hydrocarbons (HC) + Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (soot) they were more advisory rather than enforceable.
At the time there was a lot of discussion going on around CO2 and the effect on the environment but more important on the atmosphere, remember the discussions about the holes in the ozone layer? So as each new standard was introduced by the EU they changed from being advisory to statutory and more emissions became regulated. Testing standards were introduced and standard test conditions were introduced to laboratory standards.
Cars tested are not, as some believe and reported on recently, selected by the manufacturer and passed over for testing. Test cars are normal cars randomly selected from the production line and tested whilst being witnessed by Government agencies. In every case there has to be consistency. The environment is very carefully controlled.
The temperature, fluid levels and even tyre pressures are all set. This is about to change in 2017, something I don’t agree with, when they carry out measurements on the road instead of in the lab using portable measuring equipment. This will be known as Real World Driving Emissions (RDE). Really? what the hell is ‘real world’?
Its the same argument over fuel consumption figures. I can drive my car down the same stretch of road 3 days running and return three different MPG’s. Stick my son behind the wheel and you’ll return different readings again. In my opinion there is no such thing and once a car is out on the open road all sorts of dodgy things can be done to ‘fool’ the test equipment.
Anyway, back to Euro 6 which came into force in September 2015. This set the standard for petrol and diesel engine measurements and set emission limits. The limits are set for CO2, along with NOx (the gas that VW was misrepresenting), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons (THC and NMHC) and finally Particulate Matter that is particular to Diesel (get it – sorry about that).
Whilst CO2 has always been the main concern of environmentalists and Governments around the world NOx has come to the fore with links to lung conditions and even premature death. These links are always debatable but assuming that the data is accurate the problem was already being dealt with by the EU with the introduction of Euro 6. The Euro 1 level of NOx was 780mg/km for diesel engines and 480mg/km for petrol.
Euro 5 saw diesel levels drop to 180mg/km, a huge drop and Euro 6 dropped the level in diesels to 80mg/km compared to 60mg/km for petrol – virtually the same. But in order to achieve this result in diesel cars an additive needs to be added to the diesel, something I’ll come onto in a moment.
There are two questions arising. Are diesels being unfairly demonised and as a driver should you be selecting petrol or diesel for your next car? Fuel consumption is still a big deciding factor for those covering high mileage but should it be such a deciding factor when most drivers are covering around 10,000 miles per annum?
Town mileage can in fact be more economical driving a petrol car compared to a diesel and with Ford working towards a petrol engine that will return 100mpg we may not be far away from the time when petrol cars are more frugal than diesel. But by then the environmentalists will complain that petrol engines always have and always will kick out more CO2’s than diesel. So what should you consider and what has Euro 6 changed?
First of all diesel’s spew out particulates, soot to you and I. However, these are captured by a particulate filter fitted into the exhaust system. However, the particulates are captured in the filter which then needs to be maintained to prevent blockage which will result in lost performance and ultimately the replacement of the filter which can cost up to £2,000.
In order to ‘clean’ out the filter you need to drive the car at more than 50mph for more than 15 minutes every month (see the manufacturer’s handbook). This creates a chemical action that effectively burns off the soot but for some who only drive locally this can be a bit of a chore. There is also the driving style when driving a diesel car. Even the latest cars suffer from a little turbo lag,
This means when pulling away from lights or out of a junction, you put your foot down on the accelerator and it takes a second to get the power into the wheels. You get used to it but it feels a bit weird if you have never driven a diesel before. Oh and a personal tip, always put a plastic glove on when filling up a diesel, in fact I always put two on as the smell seems to immediately absorb into your hand and stay with you for a week, even worse if you transfer onto the steering wheel. Petrol isn’t anywhere near as bad.
Another factor is cost. Generally diesel cars are more expensive than petrol to buy but when it comes to leasing diesels are in such high demand that the resale value ends up making diesel’s cheaper to lease than petrol so a bit of an advantage there. So what has Euro 6 done to make diesel’s less attractive? Well, in order to achieve the lower NOx emissions cars now require an additive called AdBlue.
In most cases the AdBlue reservoir is sufficient to last between services but as some drivers have found, depending on driving style and types of journey the reservoir needs to be topped up between services. Whilst you can buy AdBlue from anywhere that sells oil such as Halfords and is relatively cheap if misused or not topped up when the indicator light comes on you could be into some costly repairs or at best the engine not starting. So bear in mind if you are about to buy or lease a new diesel AdBlue is now something else to take into account.
Finally there seems to be a tide of hate spreading across the country against diesels. Boris has started the ball rolling by saying that any pre-Euro 6 cars will have to pay an extra tenner to enter what is known as the Ultra Low Emission Zone in London. Some councils have already started to charge extra for parking permits if you drive a diesel. Islington Council in London is set to introduce a surcharge of £96 for anyone with a diesel car from April and they don’t seem to be differentiating between Euro 6 and pre-Euro 6. Totally unfair!
So there you have it, you can now make an educated decision between petrol and diesel. The only other thing I haven’t mentioned is Benefit In Kind tax if you run a car through a limited company. The chancellor had planned to eliminate the 3% loading on diesel cars but following the emissions issues with VW he took the ill informed decision to retain it. By Graham Hill


Will VW Survive The Emissions Debacle?

Wednesday, 27. January 2016

We all knew that VW would be eased somewhat off the hook if another manufacturer was found to be fiddling with emissions but is it getting too late? The Americans are hell bent, it would seem, on bringing down VW whilst electing the most bizarre human being on the planet as its president.
Is it just me fixated on his amazing hair art every time he appears on the TV, trying to work out where it starts and where it finishes? Just me then! But with Renault coming to the rescue is it all too late? The chances are that VW will survive, not without a lot of pain but as the biggest manufacturer in the world it is highly unlikely that the company will collapse.
In fact if they continue heavily discounting cars whilst producing some of the best on the road (emissions aside) I can see them growing even bigger. So what has happened at Renault? Well so far they have recalled 15,000 cars because of ’emission inconsistencies’ in order to have them checked.
It is said that there is a difference between test rig readings and real life readings – what a surprise. But this isn’t down to a deliberate attempt to fool the testing equipment as was the case with VW. A question was raised with regard to Peugeot Citroen and why they didn’t seem to have the same problems? The answer was in the technology. Renault uses a somewhat dated and cheaper method of reducing NOx by using what they refer to as an NOx absorber or NOx trap.
It captures Nitrogen Dioxide and burns it as opposed to the Peugeot Citroen method called Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). Whilst Renault is using the new method on its trucks it is yet to move across with its cars. The old method is cheaper and easier to fit but also makes the car less efficient and can lead to variations in emissions. I can’t see much happening to Renault as a result, especially as they are already in the throes of moving across to the better and more stable method anyway.
It also means that VW are still hanging out to dry! Incidentally the EU is working flat out (yer right) to come up with a new emissions testing regime which will closer reflect ‘normal’ driving conditions – whatever they are! By Graham Hill


What Does The Expression Real World Actually Mean?

Tuesday, 13. October 2015

Have you ever heard the expression ‘Real World’? It’s used about our royalty, ‘They don’t live in the real world’. When talking about wealthy people, they don’t know what it’s like to be in the real world. Dating men or women on dating sites, it’s not like dating in the real world.

Thinking of a change but unsure as to the best way to finance your car? Then you need a copy of my car finance book, Car Finance – A Simple Guide by Graham Hill. Click on the link below to buy the best car finance book on the market, available as a Kindle Book and Paper Back.

And so on and so forth, but what is the real world? And where is it? Who are its inhabitants? Just recently journalists and reporters have gone into meltdown over ‘real world’ testing when it comes to emissions from vehicles as well as the miles per gallon they return in test conditions compared to ‘the real world’.

For years What Car has been testing cars in ‘real world’ conditions to provide a more accurate MPG reading. But in my opinion it’s an absolute nonsense because the real world simply doesn’t exist except in the minds of each individual. If a driver was to drive through the middle of London, would that be extra urban conditions in the ‘real world’ or would it be more accurate to drive through the centre of Leeds.

And what time of day would be more accurate? 11.00 in the morning or 5.30 at the height of the rush hour? How would you measure urban or motorway driving. I would measure it on the motorway I use most, the M25 on which I consider it to be my birthday and Christmas combined if I keep moving for the whole of the trip.

OK I might agree that the testing conditions could be tweaked a little which may result in cars seen to be achieving a few miles to the gallon less than currently shown in the manufacturer’s handbooks. But what about CO2 emissions? Supposing we find that the readings have been out by a few grams per kilometre as a result of the changes to the tests to make them ‘real world’ tests?

The Government has set its tables for benefit in kind tax and road tax for the next few years so would drivers be hit with additional costs? Yes, they probably would because the Government can’t suddenly say that they will increase a banding from 99g/km of CO2’s to 109g/km because of miscalculations by car manufacturers.

The changes would affect motorists’ pockets because the Government has already established that they want to pull down CO2 emissions to the 99g/km level and ultimately to zero emissions. Speed, weather conditions, temperature and the driver of the car can all affect the fuel consumption and emissions so should we change the way cars are tested when there are so many variables?

Maybe the activists should be careful for what they wish for. The changes might just come back and bite them, you and other motorists on the bum! The fact is that manufacturers will still continue to try to find ways to improve the emissions of their cars, they are obliged to, irrespective of the way that cars are tested. By Graham Hill

Where To Get Your Leased Car Serviced

Thursday, 22. January 2015

As most of my customers are aware you can now have your car serviced at any service or repair centre without the loss of the car’s warranty provided the work is in line with the conditions stipulated by the manufacturer.

Thinking of a change but unsure as to the best way to finance your car? Then you need a copy of my car finance book, Car Finance – A Simple Guide by Graham Hill. Click on the link below to buy the best car finance book on the market, available as a Kindle Book and Paper Back.

Since this European rule, known as Block Exemption, was introduced in 2003 it has meant that anyone who buys a new car carrying a manufacturer’s warranty can have their car serviced and maintained at a non-franchised dealer, thereby saving a substantial amount of money.

However, when you lease a car and you are responsible for the servicing of the vehicle, can the leasing company insist that you only have the car serviced at a main dealer as this would be a contradiction of the regulations? Again, regular readers will know that most leasing companies are happy for you to have the car serviced at non franchised dealers provided the work is carried out in line with the manufacturer’s instructions using original or compatible parts.

But you need to check your contract as these things have a habit of changing without notice. Mercedes-Benz changed their rules a few years ago so that if you return a lease car (including PCP) and the service work has been carried out by a non authorised service/repair centre they will impose an end of lease charge, in some cases, over £1,000, even though the car has been serviced on time and even using Mercedes original parts.

I took some legal advice on this and was advised that whilst the car is owned by the finance company they can include terms relating to the service and maintenance of the car. So whilst they may be out of line with the rest of the leasing industry they are not acting, on the face of it, illegally, albeit that they are acting outside the spirit of the law.

But there are two issues on which they could justify their stance. The first is the quality of the work which Mercedes could argue would be of a lower standard if carried out by a service centre. I would argue this every day of the week having received some of the worst services ever when I have had a Mercedes serviced by a main dealer in the past.

On the other side of the coin a judge might argue that a customer should be free, in an open market, and given the Block Exemption law, to choose where the car is serviced – it is the whole point of the law to make it competitive and stop the protectionist approach that most manufacturers had used when insisting that their cars are serviced at a main dealer or lose your warranty before it changed in 2003.

The other argument could relate to resale value of the car when it is returned which they could argue would be less than if the car had not been serviced by a main dealer. However, they list a scale of charges which could suggest a penalty, which in these circumstances could be considered illegal.

If, through breach of contract, you were to cause the other party a loss they can not charge anything above their losses incurred. Having spoken to many trade buyers over the years most would not draw a distinction between a car that has ‘Full Service History’ and ‘Full Mercedes Benz Service History’ so it might be difficult to prove their case against a customer in front of a judge.

If you have been charged a ‘penalty’ by MB Finance and you are unhappy about it you could take out a complaint through the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are a ‘consumer’. Putting MB Finance to one side the point of all this is that Halfords are about to launch an aggressive new campaign to take away a larger share of the £10 billion a year after care market from main dealers.

This comes on the back of the Auto Express Driver Power Survey in which a large number of dealer networks were criticised by drivers. Traditionally the Halfords target market has been 3 – 5 year old cars but the new approach will attract new to 3 year old car drivers looking to save up to 40% of the labour cost. They will be introducing new receptions that will look more like the pods you will see in an Apple store and they will offer a collect and return service.

The receptions will also have Wi-Fi facilities and you will even be able to watch your car being serviced on an iPad that they will provide for your use. So it may be worth considering Halfords for your next service but don’t forget to check your lease agreement first and don’t forget you can always negotiate with the main dealer before booking your car in for a service. By Graham Hill

Hidden Cost Of Holiday Car Hire

Wednesday, 23. July 2014

It would seem that more and more Brits are hiring cars whilst on holiday. So as we come up to the serious holiday season it is quite timely for me to give you a bit of advice that could save you a lot of money if you are one of them. In a survey carried out by the Post Office it revealed that more than half of British holidaymakers hiring cars in Europe could face a huge hidden rental bill.

Thinking of a change but unsure as to the best way to finance your car? Then you need a copy of my car finance book, Car Finance – A Simple Guide by Graham Hill. Click on the link below to buy the best car finance book on the market, available as a Kindle Book and Paper Back.

The survey revealed that 56% of UK holidaymakers aren’t protecting themselves from accidents or theft with excess waiver insurance (EWI). Three quarters don’t bother with cover for glass, tyre or undercarriage damage. On average this extra insurance, payable on arrival, is about 12% of the cost of the excess but drivers are either not aware or ignore this insurance and run the risk of being hundreds of pounds out of pocket.

And don’t think the excess is the same as your domestic car insurance policy if you have an accident whilst in say Spain or Portugal of say £250, oooh no! The average accidental excess in Spain is £839 and in Portugal is £903 but the EWI and tyre and glass cover is just £99.10 and £87.55 respectively for 7 days cover.

Oh, and if you venture off the main roads in Greece, Spain or many other holiday countries you could hit a pothole that makes our potholes look like dimples causing all manner of expensive damage to wheels, suspension, brakes, undercarriage etc. Andrew Brown of Post Office Travel Money said, ‘It’s a false economy to cut costs by sticking to the basic cost when booking car rental online.

English: An old AVIS Car Rental advert on a si...

English: An old AVIS Car Rental advert on a side of a building. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What’s more don’t leave it till you get to your holiday destination to find out what the hire car will really cost. Calculate all the costs by doing your homework in advance to find out the realistic price of car rental and holiday motoring.’ Good advice there from Mr Brown. Happy holiday! By Graham Hill

Speed Limits To Be Reviewed

Tuesday, 22. March 2011

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 08:  Conservative MP...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

If you were a visitor to this country driving on our motorways you could be excused for believing that the limit was 80 miles per hour and not, as I believe it is, 70 miles per hour. It seems that Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond supports the idea of lifting the speed limit as our limit is one of the slowest in Europe. However the anti car brigade are Read more �

Massive Toyota Recall

Monday, 1. February 2010

Whilst the world’s biggest car manufacturer flounders around trying to find out why their cars have a habit of accelerating out of control and then not stopping with horrendous consequences, General Motors, in the US, is capitalising out of Toyota’s problems by offering incentives for people to move out of their Toyota and into a GM car offering such incentives as 5 year interest free finance, cashbacks and help to Read more �