Monday, 23. June 2008
There has been a great deal of talk recently about extending the use of tachographs to all vehicles used for business as it seems unfair that the driver of a commercial vehicle is covered by European driving hours directives whilst sales people and service engineers driving small vans or cars aren’t but are just as likely to fall asleep at the wheel. However, many are not aware that the law already applies if the car, or 4×4, plus trailer plated gross weight exceeds 3.5tonnes. If this is the case the vehicle should be fitted with a tacho and drivers Read more »
Friday, 20. June 2008
With fuel prices constantly hitting record highs Peter Hollinshead, head of vehicle finance at HSBC Bank, has provided the following advice to motorists and companies in order to try to contain the soaring fuel costs.
- Â Is the journey necessary? It could be that meetings can be carried out via video conferencing or webinar – a web based seminar or presentation.
- If the journey is unavoidable work out the shortest route to the destination before leaving. Read more »
Sunday, 8. June 2008
The Association Of Chief Police Officers are pushing to have the drink drive limit reduced from 80 milligrams to 50 milligrams in order to bring it into line with most of Europe. They admitted that the message seemed to have been received by young drivers but that it was now time to refresh that message. Another factor is that many British travellers to Europe are not aware of the differences in drink driving levels and with the possibility of drivers losing their licences in the UK as a result of drink driving in the EC drivers should become accustomed to drinking less if they are to drive abroad.
Saturday, 7. June 2008
Warnings have been issued over the rapid growth in fake driving licences that can now be bought over the internet for as little as £350. The police are saying that these licences are virtually indistinguishable from the originals and should cause concern for employers who have a duty of care to ensure that drivers are road legal to drive their company vehicles or drive their own vehicles on company business. It has been pointed out that if a driver is involved in an accident whilst driving a company vehicle with an invalid licence the insurance may be Read more »