Sunday, 24. July 2011
![Home Office Home Office](
Image via Wikipedia
I have reported in the past the progress being made to introduce accurate drug testing with the ability of traffic officers to carry out roadside drug tests. I understood that equipment was now available but awaiting legislation to be passed that would enable police to carry out the tests after stopping suspicious motorists. This move was supported by a poll Read more »
Friday, 22. April 2011
![Various prescription and street drugs may caus... Various prescription and street drugs may caus...](
Image via Wikipedia
Whilst I’ve reported on drug driving on several occasions it now seems that the Government is about to start taking more positive action against offenders. Transport minister Philip Hammond has given the green light to proposals to tackle the problem. One proposal is to introduce a new criminal offence that will be specific to drug driving. This will Read more »
Thursday, 10. March 2011
Do you know how long points stay on your licence for? Most people think 3 years but in fact speeding offences stay on there for 4 years and others stay on for longer. For example drink driving points remain on your licence for 11 years. Even though speeding points stay on your licence for 4 years they are only valid for 3 years.
So if you have 9 points on your licence after 3 years but clock up another 3 points in the 4th year you wont lose your licence under the totting up system. The expired points can be removed from your licence by the DVLA but you will have to pay a fee of £20 for a replacement ‘clean’ licence. Are you confused by the points system, let’s discuss? By Graham Hill
Sunday, 28. November 2010
I know it’s a subject I talk about a lot but as we run up to Christmas I’m onto drink driving. It was shocking reading for the Government, about to launch their Christmas campaign, that one in four drivers admit to drink driving recently. The survey was carried out on behalf of insurer Quinn Direct but the real shock was that nearly 80% of under 24’s said they had never driven under the influence of alcohol whilst 25% of the over 55’s admitted to driving whilst over the limit. 31% of men admitted to Read more »
Wednesday, 24. November 2010
On the subject of health and safety the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) carried out a study into ‘in car’ distractions and found that reaction times were affected by what we listen to on the radio. It found that reaction times were 20% slower when listening to sport. The reaction times were found to be similar to those found when drivers had been drinking and driving. Whilst plenty of studies had been carried out on mobile phone use whilst driving, few studies had been carried out into the effects Read more »
Monday, 25. October 2010
What are the two most dangerous things that a motorist can do that could result in injury or death? Most people would assume this to be the two things that the government, media and safety organisations obsess over. Speeding and drink driving. We are about to be hit with a campaign regarding drink driving as we run up to Christmas and there seems to be a year round campaign to demonise those that speed. Read more »
Friday, 3. September 2010
The Government has revealed that drink drive deaths dropped by 5% last year from 400 in 2008 to 380 in 2009. Has the message finally started to get through? Or could it be that last year we were in the grip of a recession and people couldn’t afford the booze or if they did they didn’t go out they simply stayed in and drank indoors? Hopefully it’s because people understand the need to not drink and drive. Serious injured casualties, resulting from drink driving, fell also from 1,620 to Read more »
Sunday, 29. August 2010
Drug driving, which is considered as dangerous as drink driving and punishable by exactly the same penalties, is being targeted by the police as an area where more accurate technology is needed. As a result a new ‘drugalyser’ has been developed and will be in all police stations from 2012. The analyser will test drivers’ saliva and make it easier for police to prosecute drivers who drive whilst high on illegal substances Read more »
Monday, 29. March 2010
Calls have been made for more information regarding driving abroad to be more easily available. As I have reported previously countries have different rules regarding insurance, breakdown cover, warning triangles, emergency fluorescent jackets, replacement light bulbs and first aid kits. But there are other rules regarding drink driving, speeding and parking that could result in some very heavy fines and even Read more »
Wednesday, 18. February 2009
A recent poll showed that 61% of motorists would not welcome a drop of acceptable drink driving levels from 80mg to the more common 50mg but that is probably because of the draconian punishment handed out if over the limit. If you are guilty of driving even slightly over the limit in the UK you are automatically facing a 12 month ban whilst in some countries in the EU the chances of being caught in the first Read more »