Cost Of Parking Bigger Cars Set To Double

Monday, 9. April 2012

Having a bigger than standard car will cost you more to park in future, if you’re parking in Wyre in Lancashire. If your car is too big to fit into a single car space or if you are a lazy driver taking up more than one space you will now be expected to pay double. If not you will be penalised. Wyre County Council formalised what local wardens have been Read more �

Worldwide Increase In Number Of Cars On The Road.

Saturday, 24. September 2011

Noticed a bit more of a jam on the way into work in the morning or maybe a little more difficulty parking in the local car park at the weekend? Probably not as the UK car parc (the number of cars on our roads) has reduced a little over the past couple of years as we have been hit by recession but the reason I mention it is that the number of cars on the Read more �

Workplace Parking Schemes ‘To Cut Congestion’ – Daft!

Saturday, 23. July 2011

A parking lot with landscaping and a diagonal ...

Image via Wikipedia

You, like me and my millions of readers are fairly intelligent, we all have GCSE’s and all sorts. So help me out here. I’ve been looking at the new workplace parking schemes, that come into force from April 2012, and trying to get my head around them. With companies unable to simply up stakes and move to another county that doesn’t have such a scheme Read more �

Fleet Managers Found Breaking The Law

Wednesday, 20. October 2010

I loved the story about those responsible for vehicle fleets attending the recent Fleet Van conference. These people are all responsible for making sure that drivers act lawfully and adhere to all areas of vehicle, driver and employee legislation. But whilst they were listening to the speakers, ATS Euromaster had nipped out to the car park with their tread gauges and checked all the vehicles. The attendees were then confronted by the fact that 9% of the vehicles were given Red Tyre warnings. This Read more �

Car Clampers Already Have A Replacement For Soon To Be Illegal Clamps

Tuesday, 14. September 2010

A parking ticket!
Image by David Jones via Flickr

There was a lot of euphoria when the Government announced that they were going to ban the clamping and towing of cars parked on private land. The ban comes into force in November 2010, under new laws set to stop unscrupulous clampers from charging ridiculous amounts of money, to either have the clamp removed, or get your car back from a pound where the car has been towed to. However, before the anti- Read more �

New App For Mobiles & PC Finds Parking Spaces

Saturday, 17. July 2010

Our ‘gadget’ this week is an iPod App that finds parking spaces for you. A group of drivers, fed up with getting parking tickets, came up with the solution. They have joined forces with the AA to come up with parkopedia. The app asks where you want to park then gives details of  street, metered, covered and private parking spaces then uses google maps to find the exact location. It also provides cost of parking in each Read more �

New Rules To Prevent Rogue Clamping

Wednesday, 14. July 2010

A friend of mine was once clamped in a car park for not having a ticket displayed in her windscreen (she accidentally put it in her purse – daft as). As a result another friend came to the rescue at 2.00am with his tool box. After about 4 hours and several hacksaw blades later she was finally free to drive home. Not something I approve of, obviously, but it made me a little more cautious about where I park my car and I Read more �

Nottingham City Council Gets Approval Fo Workplace Partking Levy

Sunday, 30. August 2009

It looks as though local councils are now to launch the publicised workplace parking levy. First to make the move is Nottingham City Council, much to the annoyance of one of their biggest employers, Boots, who have 3,000 affected parking places that will incur an annual charge of £253 per car rising to £350 per car after 2 years. The rule, approved by the government to start from Read more �