Understanding Vehicle Finance To Save Money

Sunday, 2. October 2011

We need a debate about this or a discussion about that, it’s all we seem to hear these days from the mouths of politicians. The banks aren’t lending – we need more sources of finance! This is the clarion call of the coalition but in truth it’s all around us, sources of finance I mean. We don’t need debates, discussions or more sources of finance it’s all Read more �

Beware Of Log Book Loans

Monday, 18. July 2011

Have you heard of log book loans? Do you know what they are? As more people find themselves out of work and desperate to raise some cash to pay bills or attend interviews they are looking at some of these grey areas of raising cash. There are of course the loan sharks that everyone should avoid but there is one area that seems to have an air of Read more �

Current State Of Leasing Industry

Monday, 4. July 2011

Banks are lending less to leasing companies making life even more difficult for small businesses to secure funding. As of 31st March 2011 lending to the leasing companies was down by 16% from £28.4 billions the previous year to £23.8 billions. Leasing is seen by many small businesses as an alternative way to fund their vehicles and equipment as Read more �

More Care Is Needed When Applying For Car Finance – Or Be Declined

Friday, 1. October 2010

The Bank of England in Threadneedle Street, Lo...
Image via Wikipedia

Statistics really get on my wick! Speaking to fleet owners and various lenders it is clear that there is less money to lend and businesses as well as consumers are finding it more difficult to finance vehicles. My own association, the NACFB has said that current lending by members is around £7 billion compared to £20 billion in the mid 2000’s. And yet banks and the lender’s association, the FLA say that they are lending more and that, according to FLA statistics their members are lending 16% more to Read more �

Warnings Issued About Claims Management Companies (Graham Hill)

Monday, 15. February 2010

There has been an upsurge in companies known as claims management companies who claim to rid you of credit card and loan debt by claiming that contracts are ‘unenforceable’. In an investigation the BBC found that some firms were claiming very high success rates as high as 93% but when pushed could not provide evidence of anything like that. They were also accused of using misleading statements by Read more �

Government Aim To Make Credit Reports Free

Thursday, 11. February 2010

The Treasury Select Committee has questioned whether individuals should be charged for copies of their credit report. At the moment it costs £2 or you can obtain a copy for free but it requires you to apply online to one of the credit reference agencies, provide credit card details as though you were going to pay monthly for anytime access, then cancel as soon as you’ve downloaded your current report, Read more �