Sunday, 20. March 2011
Image via Wikipedia
If you are a woman driver expect your insurance premium to increase thanks to our Government. No I don’t mean the Cameron Clegg Coalition I mean our REAL rulers, the EU. The Court of Justice has ruled that charging drivers more because of their gender is wrong and considered discrimination. So charging men more than women was a practice that Read more �
Saturday, 19. March 2011
As I reported before anyone else Autoquake are now in administration and the administrators are trying to find buyers. One of the selling points, as has been widely reported is the number of visits made to their website, believed to be around 5.5 million last year. I have to stay that statistic is absolutely meaningless because if it meat that the company was successful why has it just collapsed? It’s a bit like saying you could put any shop in the middle of a high street which attracts lots of ‘traffic’ Read more �
Saturday, 19. March 2011
Image via Wikipedia
Just as you think that we are moving rapidly through the highest tech era this planet has ever been through with new advances being announced virtually daily you hear a story that makes you realise that we still actually live in the real world. I read that Mazda have recalled 65,000 of their 6 model cars in north and central America. Suddenly you think Read more �
Friday, 18. March 2011
Image via Wikipedia
Today’s amazing fact is that there are over 25,000 traffic lights across the country with 6,000 in London alone. The number increased by 30% between 2000 and 2008. The figures were collated by the RAC Foundation who also pointed out that the number of lights that were programmed to give priority to busses rose by 221% in just 2 years from 3,801 Read more �
Thursday, 17. March 2011
Online used car reseller Autoquake have officially gone into administration. A call to their offices confirmed that MCR have been appointed as administrators following the collapse of the company. I believe that somewhere in the region of 150 jobs could be lost unless a buyer can be found although it was clearly a model that could never work. They appointed highly paid executives in roles that were far too small for their ability. As I have worked with Carsite, the originator of the online used car Read more �
Wednesday, 16. March 2011
As people look for ways to save money they are certainly looking to prevent the bane of any driver’s life, the end of lease recharge. Many individuals and businesses have called in the services of the smart repairers to put their vehicles in an acceptable condition for return to the leasing company only to find the repair rejected and be faced with a full Read more �
Monday, 14. March 2011
Last week I reported on the shambles known as the EU Consumer Credit Directive that would, without doubt, cause widespread confusion amongst consumers and small businesses (who were included in the Consumer Credit Act but not in the CCD). Trying to get the message across to customers in dealerships would result in the blind leading the blind Read more �
Sunday, 13. March 2011
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Online used car resale giant Autoquake has gone into administration losing its investors £19 million in the process as it’s unlikely that anyone would pay more than a couple of thousand pounds for a few cars, an award winning website and some goodwill. Their CEO was known for his arrogance and his despise of car dealers pointing out the error of their Read more �
Saturday, 12. March 2011
According the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) we are about to see and increase in the number of banks re-entering the car finance market which would be great news for all. Although this optimism is not shared by all including me. I have seen some funding enter the vehicle finance sector, not from banks but from investment Read more �
Saturday, 12. March 2011
Image via Wikipedia
When I was training as an accountant one of the subjects I had to cover was statistics. At the start of the course we were shown a graph of the stork population in Sweden over a 5 year period. We were then shown a graph of the baby births in Sweden during the same period and the two graphs were virtually identical. As more storks were born more Read more �