Tuesday, 6. April 2010
Warnings continue to increase about the numbers of ‘accidents to order’ where fraudsters stage an accident then put in an insurance claim for the damage caused to their vehicle as well as any passengers. Some are known to drive the car on behalf of the owner, swerving in front of another driver causing the accident. Details are exchanged and the details of the owner are given along with his insurance details to the Read more »
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Saturday, 27. March 2010
A few months ago I announced proposed changes to insurance claims procedures that should speed up undisputed insurance claims. The good news is that the new rules come into effect from April 30th. The new rules should speed up payout and reduce legal costs on personal injury claims between £1,000 and £10,000 resulting from a motor accident. This covers around 80% of all personal injury claims so good Read more »
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Wednesday, 24. March 2010
I know I seem obsessed with potholes at the moment but they are such a pain and costing motorists a fortune. The Germans came up with a solution in the village of Niederzimmern near Leipzig. They sold their potholes for 50 Euros which the council filled with asphalt and a metal plaque which carries the owner’s name or a tribute to a loved one. Of course not wishing to miss an opportunity the Brits are planning Read more »
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Saturday, 13. March 2010
There has been an increase in the number of employees who have either opted for cash for cars or been expected to use their own cars for business in exchange for a cash payment. Either way there is a responsibility on the employer to ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy and properly maintained as well as properly insured for business use. There is a grey area for employers who, in the event of an accident, in Read more »
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Tuesday, 9. March 2010
According to tyre provider, Protyre, pothole damage is increasing whilst local authorities are unwilling to carry out repair work until the bad weather is over, for fear that any work done now will be wasted if the cold weather continues and re-pops out the filler. Protyre suggest that 300 new potholes are being identified in Britain every day with hundreds of pounds of damage being caused to tyres and suspension. Read more »
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Sunday, 7. March 2010
During this bad winter the number of car insurance claims have sky rocketed. From crashes to pothole damage, it’s been a disaster. As a result we are likely to see a hike of between 7% and 11% in premiums making it even more important to shop around when it comes to renewing your car insurance. Increased oil prices are going to add to the pain by adding up to 5 pence per litre with predictions that fuel will Read more »
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Friday, 26. February 2010
There has been an increase in the number of employees who have either opted for cash for cars or been expected to use their own cars for business in exchange for a cash payment. Either way there is a responsibility on the employer to ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy and properly maintained as well as properly insured for business use. There is a grey area for employers who, in the event of an accident, in Read more »
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Tuesday, 23. February 2010
According to tyre provider, Protyre, pothole damage is increasing whilst local authorities are unwilling to carry out repair work until the bad weather is over, for fear that any work done now will be wasted if the cold weather continues and re-pops out the filler. Protyre suggest that 300 new potholes are being identified in Britain every day with hundreds of pounds of damage being caused to tyres and suspension. Read more »
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Wednesday, 17. February 2010
According to the Auto Trader Compare survey BMW drivers are the worst on the road, however, if you look at the number of insurance claims compared to the number of cars insured a different picture emerges. It would seem that whilst BMW drivers are pretty adept at annoying other drivers they manage to avoid accidents, according to the survey results published by car insurer swiftcover.com. The Read more »
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Sunday, 31. January 2010
A Department for Transport study found that healthcare workers needed more guidance on assessing whether a patient is fit to drive. They feel that more responsibility should be passed to the driver who should be made aware of the DVLA medical standards and make their own decision as to whether they feel as though they are fit to drive within the guidelines. Some things are fairly obvious such as a broken foot or Read more »
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