Thursday, 10. March 2011
Do you know how long points stay on your licence for? Most people think 3 years but in fact speeding offences stay on there for 4 years and others stay on for longer. For example drink driving points remain on your licence for 11 years. Even though speeding points stay on your licence for 4 years they are only valid for 3 years.
So if you have 9 points on your licence after 3 years but clock up another 3 points in the 4th year you wont lose your licence under the totting up system. The expired points can be removed from your licence by the DVLA but you will have to pay a fee of £20 for a replacement ‘clean’ licence. Are you confused by the points system, let’s discuss? By Graham Hill
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Friday, 4. March 2011
DVLA figures show that one in ten motorists have points on their licence. The figures have been broken down by age sex and number of points. It also shows that the Government has collected £280 million from the 3.9 million drivers with points on their licence over the last 4 years (the minimum amount of time before points are cleared. That’s out of a total 37 million licence holders. The majority of drivers with points have just 3 points (3.2m). Just under 600,000 have 6 points and 92,000 Read more »
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Monday, 31. January 2011
So there you are driving down the road, minding your own business when you see, hidden in the bushes on the other side of the road, the old bill hiding in the undergrowth with a speed camera. Obviously, believing that drivers travelling in the other direction, seeing the camera at the last minute, and swerving across the road into oncoming vehicles, could present a severe danger. Or seeing the officer at the last minute and suddenly braking could cause a multi car pile up, so you perform Read more »
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Monday, 3. January 2011
In Derbyshire police are looking for volunteers to point hand held guns at offending motorists. From March 2011 trained locals will be out in force on key stretches of road, clocking those exceeding the limit and passing on details to the police. There are similar ‘community speedwatch’ schemes cropping up all over the country so there could be one coming to you soon. The police cannot prosecute motorists found speeding but they send a letter warning them about their driving which they believe has the necessary effect. By Graham Hill
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Saturday, 1. January 2011
After a short respite it seems that the GATSO’s that were switched off earlier this year, due to withdrawn grants to run them, are set to be switched back on. The 72 cameras in Oxfordshire that were switched off in July will be switched back on in April 2011. A new agreement, adopted by 24 police forces, will mean that they will be given a portion of the cash collected from drivers who attend awareness courses in lieu of points on their licences. Whilst this will again cause those who are against Read more »
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Tuesday, 30. November 2010
Nissan ad execs must have been chuckling to themselves when they came up with the theme for their sports cars, the 370Z and the GT-R. They decided to take on the Germans, poking fun at their acceleration speeds, pointing out that the Z was faster than Audi, BMW and Porsche rivals. The posters read ‘Deutschland Deutschland Uber Rated’ while a blurred Read more »
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Friday, 15. October 2010
The Department for Transport has revealed the top ten reasons why people crash. The top reason was failure to look, accounting for more than a third of  all smashes. Failing to look properly was the reason for 38% of crashes but this differed in regions with this reason being cited in London for 57% of smashes but in the Midlands this dropped to 32%. Failing to judge other motorists speed was next followed by careless Read more »
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Sunday, 10. October 2010
Whilst all fatalities on UK roads dropped last year the figures are still too high. 2,222 people died on the roads of Britain last year, down 12% on 2008. Car occupant deaths fell 16%, pedestrians 13%, cyclists 10% and motorcyclists 4%. Whilst speed awareness courses are often not taken seriously by drivers who have been caught speeding and prefer to attend a course rather than suffer a conviction, the courses have been known to improve drivers’ attitudes towards speeding. This is particularly Read more »
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Tuesday, 5. October 2010
Now here’s something you probably didn’t know about. We all know that if we are convicted of speeding and receive the automatic points on your licence you must declare that to your insurer immediately and suffer the increase in premium. Some insurers don’t increase the premium if it’s your first speeding fine but others do so check with your insurer. But here’s the thing, what happens if you are caught speeding, but as an alternative to a fine and points on your licence, you are given the Read more »
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Monday, 4. October 2010
And so the debate goes on regarding speed cameras. I first of all reported that many local authorities were switching them off as they could no longer afford to keep them operating. Then the public stepped in and complained that they were necessary if we are not to see a rise in deaths on the road, supported by safety bodies. So now it seems that some local authorities are willing to rent a Gatso for £5,000 per annum if local people want to keep particular cameras operating. When Oxfordshire Read more »
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