Do We Really Need Keyless Entry?
Friday, 22. June 2018
According to a special report in Auto Express we find out that there was a 56% increase in vehicle theft last year over the previous year. This sounds dreadful and of course it is, especially if you were a victim. But improvements in technology has actually had a very positive effect on thefts when compared to the 90’s.
In 1992 600,000 cars were stolen. This dropped to 56,000 in 2016 but in 2017 the number increased to 89,000, according to the Office of National Statistics. The first reaction is to blame the serious drop in police numbers and of course that hasn’t helped. But experts suggest that this isn’t the real reason, they blame it on the upsurge in Keyless Entry.
I’ve reported on how the thieves manage to steal your car with the use of technology so I won’t cover it again. But the fact is that we can exist without it. A keyless device it is transmitting all the time so as soon as you approach your car the car’s receiver picks up the signal and unlocks the door.
Once inside you can start the car by pressing the start button. Far too easy and frankly, in my opinion, unnecessary. In order to unlock my car I have to push a button on my ‘key’, and it works. I also have a keyring with my door key and a couple of other keys hanging from it.
If I had a keyless key I would still need a keyring! So I really don’t get it, especially as so many cars are stolen as a result of having a keyless device. By Graham Hill
A solution would be to stop the car when it senses that the key isn’t within range but this raises all sorts of safety questions. So the industry is working on ways to make keyless entry less vulnerable but I find myself asking why? OK, you can buy boxes and wallets into which you can place the device whilst at home to prevent scammers from picking up and relaying the signal but it’s too much fannying about in my opinion. Bring back keys!!