The Main Cause Of Road Rage Exposed
Sunday, 19. September 2010
Are you a ‘rager?’ Not to be confused with the street slang ‘hater.’ Apparently a rager is someone who suffers from road rage. And what is the biggest cause of road rage? Well, according to the Institute of Advanced Motorists, who surveyed 1,400 motorists, they rated tailgating as being the most likely cause for road rage and turn you into a ‘rager.’ For those that aren’t too sure of the expression, tailgating, it’s when another car is travelling too close behind the car in front in a provocative way. That doesn’t mean wearing a revealing top and stockings it means in a way to provoke you into anger. Following tailgating was using a mobile, lane hogging and failing to indicate. I would add one of my own, you know when you are travelling along a fairly narrow street and although you have the right of way you allow a car to come along in the opposite direction, being very courteous and he or she doesn’t acknowledge you with a wave or some sort of gesture in thanks. Grrr, don’t you just want to punch their lights out? Just me then eh? Any more thoughts on road rage? By Graham Hill