Graham Hill Asks Whatever Happened To Hydrogen Cars?

Saturday, 10. July 2010

What has happened to hydrogen cars – the planet savers? There’s been loads of talk about electric cars and how all cars should be replaced with electric cars with a range of 2 miles but what has happened to hydrogen technology, it seems to have died a death? Will electric cars go the same way when the new Government decides that it won’t stuff £5 grand up the non existent exhaust of each new electric car sold Read more »

The Truth About ‘Green’ Cars

Thursday, 13. May 2010

We are all being forced to consider greener cars and the manufacturers have to be seen to be actively developing more environmentally friendly engines or face some hefty fines. So you may be forgiven for thinking that the cars being marketed as ‘green cars’ are much more fuel efficient than standard cars. Well according to latest research the differences can be minimal. For example the Skoda Octavia Greenline is Read more »

Are Battery Powered Cars Really Green?

Monday, 30. November 2009

As with anything ecological there are some strong views when it comes to the debate on battery powered cars. The Labour Government believes that battery power is the way to go and is offering a £5,000 subsidy per battery powered car from 2011. This will cost £230 million but according to experts in the motor industry the future depends totally upon the ability of the battery manufacturers to develop batteries Read more »

Are Drivers Really Thinking Green?

Monday, 28. September 2009

We keep hearing a lot about green issues and the need to improve our environment. The warnings are there, each year we see more extreme weather conditions that are blamed upon global warming but what are we actually doing about it in the cars we drive? Have I sold hundreds of hybrid cars? No. Have I seen a strong move from big gas guzzlers to city cars or even just mildly more modest cars? Read more »

Great Website Tells You How Green Your Car Is

Saturday, 31. January 2009

Are you becoming green conscious? Many more people it would seem are taking the green issues into account when selecting their new cars so the Government has reacted by providing drivers with a tool that enables them to compare the green credentials of all cars. You can do this by visiting the following site: I found it a bit slow to load but interesting once you’re there. By Graham Hill

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