How You Can Save Fuel

Monday, 14. December 2009

Many large companies now use telematics to assess the efficiency of their drivers, understand how they drive and whether they take the most efficient route when they are out on their travels. Telematics is a sort of extended Tracker system that not only plots the route of the driver but also records all sorts of other data such as speed, acceleration, braking, fuel consumption etc. The fact is that with so much data Read more »

Important Tax Changes That You Should Know About

Friday, 13. March 2009

If you are a business you need to be aware of the tax changes coming into force in April. I have been through this before but as we are now nearly there let me refresh your memory: 

4WD’s Have Their Days Been Numbered?

Friday, 1. August 2008

If you are hell bent on driving a 4 wheel drive I would make the most of it now as auction house Manheim have reported exceptional losses sustained by leasing companies when re-selling end of contract 4WD cars. At the moment manufacturers are offsetting poor resale values with big discounts and bonuses but the long term view is that manufacturers will scale down production and switch the lines over to smaller more desirable ‘greener’ cars. This will mean that they will give away less by way of bonuses making the lease cost of gas guzzling 4WD cars very high.But whilst we are in this honeymoon period and you like 4WD’s now is the time to take one because by the end of the year rates will potentially be horendous and deliveries even worse. Hands up who wants a Hummer? By Graham Hill

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