Workplace Parking Schemes ‘To Cut Congestion’ – Daft!

Saturday, 23. July 2011

A parking lot with landscaping and a diagonal ...

Image via Wikipedia

You, like me and my millions of readers are fairly intelligent, we all have GCSE’s and all sorts. So help me out here. I’ve been looking at the new workplace parking schemes, that come into force from April 2012, and trying to get my head around them. With companies unable to simply up stakes and move to another county that doesn’t have such a scheme Read more »

How You Can Save Fuel

Monday, 14. December 2009

Many large companies now use telematics to assess the efficiency of their drivers, understand how they drive and whether they take the most efficient route when they are out on their travels. Telematics is a sort of extended Tracker system that not only plots the route of the driver but also records all sorts of other data such as speed, acceleration, braking, fuel consumption etc. The fact is that with so much data Read more »