Potholes Damaging Insurers As Well As Cars
Tuesday, 9. March 2010
According to tyre provider, Protyre, pothole damage is increasing whilst local authorities are unwilling to carry out repair work until the bad weather is over, for fear that any work done now will be wasted if the cold weather continues and re-pops out the filler. Protyre suggest that 300 new potholes are being identified in Britain every day with hundreds of pounds of damage being caused to tyres and suspension. Duncan McClure Fisher, MD at potholes.co.uk said ‘We know that the average repair cost to axle and suspension damage, caused by hitting a pothole, is £360’. Due to the high level of snow falling in February there has been a 40% increase in potholes and a 250% increase in insurance claims made as a result of the hazards according to the AA. By Graham Hill