Political Party Views On Transport
Friday, 5. March 2010
If you have no children to educate, no elderly relatives in need of care, you are employed in something that pays more than minimum wages it may be that your biggest priority in life is your car and what it costs you to run. If that’s the case you may be interested in some information kindly provided by Fleet News. They have looked at some of the major transport proposals and initiatives and compared the three main parties. This may help you to make up your mind come the general election:
Workplace Parking/Local Road Charging
Labour: Introducing with councils receiving incentives if they do it.
Conservative: Not opposed to local charging but opposed to workplace charging levies
Lib Dems: Who cares! Actually we may have to if there’s a hung parliament. They don’t object to either if the local council wants to introduce.
Road Safety:
Labour: They have made roads much safer and will continue to do so
Conservative: Grudging approval at what Labour has done but concerned about at-work driver qualifications.
Lib Dems: Applauds Labour and share views regarding road safety policies
National Road Charging
Labour: Won’t introduce within next 4 years but is running trials
Conservative: Never
Lib Dems: It’s inevitable – a question of when and not if
Road Building:
Labour: Will invest in railways although not to extent of Lib Dems
Conservative: Railways are way forward but might also invest in roads
Lib Dems: Invest in railways
Electric Vehicle Subsidy:
Labour: Committed to subsidy but still unsure about implementation
Conservative: Can’t guarantee to introduce subsidy – Labour has spent all the money
Lib Dems: Subsidy isn’t the right approach but converting to electricity is important
At Work Driver Risk
Labour: Recognise increased risk faced by at-work drivers, Yet to reveal what they will do about it.
Conservative: Employers are about to wake up to the risks faced by their drivers on the road.
Lib Dems: We haven’t looked at this area.
So there you have it. Important questions like who’s going to fix the potholes and will we have enough grit for next winter will remain unanswered but hopefully the above now gives you a better idea as to which party to vote for! By Graham Hill