Fraud Accident Hotspots – Are Any Near You?
Friday, 20. November 2009
I reported last year that ‘staged crashes’ resulting in fraudulent insurance claims was on the increase. However, law firm Keoghs who produce the Annual Motor Fraud Index have shown that the hot spots are spreading in 2009. Along with the major hot spots, as shown below, other nearby towns are now becoming problem areas also. Greater vigilance is needed when driving in these areas to avoid accidents that may appear to be your fault. If you suspect anything hold back and if you are involved in an accident that you think is suspicious call the police and advise your insurance company when you have the accident. The main hotspots are:
- Bradford
- Birmingham
- Blackburn
- Liverpool
- Oldham
- Manchester
- Bolton
- Southall
- Huddersfield
- London East
The new problem zones are:
- Huddersfield
- Sheffield
- Chester
- London SE
- Stoke On Trent
- Leicester
- Stockport
- Wolverhampton
- Romford
Make sure that you don’t become a victim. Keep a close eye on the car in front and keep your distance. They suddenly brake whilst you are very close forcing you to run into the back of them, often at roundabouts, you think they are driving off then brake hard giving you no chance to stop. When you hit someone from behind it is hard to show that the accident wasn’t your fault. So take care and keep your wits about you. By Graham Hill