Driving Test To Get Tougher
Monday, 3. October 2011
If someone you know hasn’t yet applied to take their driving test they had better apply pretty quickly or expect a much tougher theory test next year. The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) plans to make the theory test tougher to pass following complaints that the test was too easy. Even though pupils had access to every question and answer used in the exam before they sat it 4 out of 10 still fail. The DSA believes that the current test is more about memory than having good driving skills.
The aim is to test pupils’ understanding of the theory rather than just rattling off the answers learned parrot fashion. From 1st January 2012 they will only publish a list of revision questions.
These cover all the topics examined in the test although the questions will be worded differently. The DSA is saying that the only way to pass the test in future is by studying the highway code. Do you have any views, does the test need sorting out? By Graham Hill